St. Martin Parish Schools

全球十大赌博靠谱平台学区是一个由七所小学训练有素的工作人员组成的良好社区, four middle schools and junior high schools, three high schools, 一个早期学习中心和一个大学和职业准备中心. 

早教中心为学生提供了坚实的学术基础, including a safe and positive environment, 合作学习,培养积极的自尊,培养对当地和民族文化的欣赏. Collective activities with families, community members and students include Family BINGO Night, STEM activities, family picnics and Book Fairs.  

Three high schools within 全球十大赌博靠谱平台提供了一系列令人印象深刻的课程来吸引学生. 课程包括荣誉、大学预科和职业准备课程. Each high school has created an open, welcoming environment for students to feel respected, valued and safe as they navigate through each day.

Jr. High Schools

Breaux Bridge Jr. High

Students in Grades 6, 7年级和8年级提供各种课程来加速和支持他们的学习. The hands-on staff at Breaux Bridge Jr. High extends Accelerated Reader, 技术选修课和科学选项作为每个学生的选择.

St. Martinville Jr. High

一个培养和热情的员工分享一个使命,激励所有的学生获取知识, respect, 技能和态度,使他们成为他们所推荐全球最大网赌正规平台的社区的成功成员. An assortment of extracurricular activities, clubs and athletics are offered to students, including football, volleyball, Glee Club, Robotics Club, National Junior Beta Club and Majorettes & Flag Girls.

Cecilia Jr. High

作为一所坚信团结和努力的学校,小塞西莉亚. 高中通过勤奋的学术与社会发展的重点相结合,为学生准备一个强大的社会. 各种俱乐部和课外活动提供包括4-H, Fine Arts Fair, Library Helpers, Black History Program, Gifted: Academics, Talented: Theatre and Gaming Club.

College and Career Readiness Center

University of Louisiana-Lafayette

作为路易斯安那州第二大的大学,有超过19所,000 students, a diverse array of courses and bachelor, masters and doctoral degrees are offered. 课程范围从自然科学到人文科学、环境生物学、计算机科学和护理学.

SLCC Evangeline Campus

南路易斯安那社区学院是一所综合性大学, 多校区公立两年制高等教育机构,服务于阿卡迪亚的八个教区, Evangeline, Iberia, Lafayette, St. Landry, St. Martin, St. Mary and Vermillion. Known as a small college that makes big impacts, SLCC提供包括汽车技术在内的各种课程, Civil Survey and Mapping, Digital Media, General Studies, Medical Assistant and Industrial Technology.

College and Career Readiness Center

Located in Breaux Bridge, 大学和职业准备中心提供了许多选择的高中学生在St. Martin Parish School District. 高中学分是为各种课程提供的, including Nursing Assistant, Cosmetology, Electrician, Welding, 以及ProStart培养最聪明的餐饮服务行业领导者.

Early Learning Center

Early Learning Center

在安全和积极的环境中学习,培养合作关系, 学生们通过培养和灵活的工作人员指导发展适当的活动.

High Schools

St. Martinville High School

The finest teachers and staff at St. 马丁维尔高中对他们的学术课程非常自豪,并致力于为学生提供最好的学习机会. The school offers numerous college preparatory courses, 还有各种各样的其他课程来帮助学生为高中毕业后的推荐全球最大网赌正规平台做准备, including business and technology.

Cecilia High School

塞西莉亚高中始建于1922年,最初是一所1-12年级的学校. 经过多年的发展和发展,学校目前占地20英亩. The highly qualified staff has daily goals to support, 通过各种学术和体育项目与全面发展的学生进行教学和合作. 塞西莉亚高中提供各种各样的俱乐部参加, such as 4-H, NHS, Student Council and FFA. 

Breaux Bridge High School

Home of the Tigers, 布鲁桥高中提供典型的学术和体育课程,围绕学生的需求和兴趣而设计. 课程计划的重点是知识,以支持学生高中毕业后, 包括大学和职业准备项目和考试准备援助.

Elementary and Primary Schools

Breaux Bridge Elementary School

As a proud member of the Leader In Me School program, Breaux Bridge小学3-5年级的学生悉心引导每位学生掌握领导技能,帮助他们在推荐全球最大网赌正规平台中取得成功. 学校努力创造一种赋予学生权力的文化, being proactive, accountability of goals while focusing on the whole child.

Teche Elementary School

With over 600 students enrolled in grades 3-5, Teche小学的员工为所有学习领域提供高期望的一流教学策略和现代技术资源.

St. Martinville Elementary School

让学生们为充满科技的就业市场做好准备. 马丁维尔小学引导每个学生完成一个STEM项目, which includes science, technology, engineering and mathematics. 批判性思维和实践学习融入日常课程.

Stephensville Elementary School

Home of the Gators, 斯蒂芬维尔小学坐落在五英亩的土地上,周围环绕着成熟的橡树和柏树.

Parks Primary School

公园小学是一个由学生、教师、员工和家庭组成的合作社区. 学校为家庭和社区成员提供了许多建立学习伙伴关系的机会. 教师和工作人员致力于利用有吸引力和丰富的资源提供高质量的包容性学习环境.

Cecilia Primary French Immersion Program

Within Cecilia Primary School, 法语浸入式课程将英语和法语结合起来,为学生提供参与和协作的课程.

Cecilia Primary School

学校的愿景是支持终身学习者思考, create, collaborate and communicate, 塞西莉亚小学的工作人员旨在培养这些技能,为他们走向世界做好准备.

Breaux Bridge Primary School


Middle Schools

Parks Middle School

我们坚信所有的学生都会学习,公园中学是5-8年级的家园. 学生体验引人注目的数学,科学,英语和社会研究课程. 选修课程包括体育、法语和IBCA.